Exposed In this exhibit, it portrayed pictures that showed people's lives in reality. Instead of having a
photo gallery in a large room, the images were seen in a video. The slide of photos really focused on
the what seemed to be the transsexual and gay community. It somewhat showed me who they are as
people in the world today. When I entered the room, it was pitch black and I thought that as the slide
began, it brought the audience into the picture. It really emphasized the scene that was captured.
Henri Cartier-Bresson was one of the first photojournalists and he helped develop the art of
documentary photography. In his exhibit, his pictures really captured the idea of war and the problems
people faced from the world. One part of his exhibit that really caught my eye was Gandhi's funeral and
the announcement of his death. In these photos, I felt what the people of India felt because he really
brought the feeling of depression and sadness. The one photo I thought that caught my eye was the thousands and thousands of people in India trying to get on the train for the spreading of Gandhi's ashes. I felt the pain that was displayed in the image.